Location of Stanovian Federation within Alavida
Stanovian Territory
Territory recognized as Stanovian not controlled by the Stanovian Governement
Territory not recognized as Stanovian controlled by the Stanovian Government
Stanovian, Slavic Stanovian, English
Lapytovian Stanovian, Zuzanovian
5,460,690 km² (Without Independent Self-Restraint of Retwonia)
211,118,200 (With Independent Self-Restraint of Retwonia)
Alavidian Dollar
Federal Presidential Republic
Onakla Ubrow (2019 - Present) [Our Stanovia]
Ede'mer Smiška (2020 - Present) [Our Stanovia]
Alavidian Alliance
Alavidian Union
Stanovian Federation, (Federa'cia Stanovia [Feh-deh-ruuh-tsiya Sta-noh-vee-yah] in Stanovian, Stankovskaja Federa'cia [Stuhn-kov-skuh-ya Feh-deh-ruuh-tsiya] in Slavic Stanovian), commonly know as Stanovia (Stanovia [Stuh-noh-vee-yah] in Stanovian, Stankovsko [Stuhn-kov-skoh] in Slavic Stanovian), is a country located in mainland Alavida, with many islands incorporated, consisting of 18 states. It is the biggest and most populated country in Alavida. It shares borders with 13 countries (Jurovia, Suchovia, Johanca, Slovakoria, Ukrevol Kingdom, Venostan, Martinovia, Martinovian Kingdomen, Venostan Kingdom, Mauritovania, Scann', Zuzanovia and Zelavian Empire) and one unaligned region (Independent Self-Restraint of Retwonia). The national capital of Stanovia, as well as the most populous city is Bleskac.
Stanovian nations were usually split between many countries, and only few had their own country, which was usually just a vassal state of a bigger empire. After the First World War, all Stanovian nations decided to unite with the Lapytovian nations, creating Stanovia-Jurovia. After many conflicts with other nations, Stanovia-Jurovia split into two countries in 1938. Second World War caused a lot of chaos in Alavida, leading to reunion of Stanovia-Jurovia in 1941, in order to establish a durable country. The Second World War was shortly followed by the First Alavidian War, which resulted in definitive split of Stanovia-Jurovia. Stanovia established its constitution in 1948. It became a federation in 1961, due to complications in the government. The Second Alavidian War allowed Stanovia to get more territory with national Stanovians. After the victory of the Anti-Venovenistanic alliance, which Stanovia was a part of, in 1988 Stanovia established a new federal constitution. Following the economical disrupt and crisis in 2004, Stanovia established a new, this time unitary constitution. In 2019, following the Massive Independence Movement of Alavida, people got to vote for a new system in the country. New federal system was established and following the election of Onakla Ubrow, new constitution was established as well.
Stanovia founded the Alavidian Military Alliance (Later renamed to Alavidian Alliance) together with Jurovia and Zuzanovia in 2007.
The capitol was originally placed in Helza, but after Avarian Independence Movement in Jurovia, 2013, it was moved to Bleskac. Stanovia also founded the Alavidian Union together with Jurovia, Johanca, Zuzanovia and Martinovia in 2019. The capitol was placed in Bleskac as well. Stanovia is a part of the "Big Alavidian Five" (Known as Big Five in Alavida) together with Jurovia, Johanca, Zuzanovia and Martinovia.
Stanovian government is a federal republic and a parliamentary democracy with three separate branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial. Since 2020, Stanovian president has almost absolute power, as well as there are no elections for president, unless the president decides to resign.
Stanovia is the largest exporter and third largest importer in Alavida. It has a notable political and economical power within Alavidian Union.
Stanovian territory has first signs of human habitation from the year 864, but there is not enough proof to this year. It is estimated that humans were here in the year 250 already. First notable proof of existence of the Stanovian nations dates back to 1072, when the Stannic Stanovian nation founded its own country, unofficially known as Stannic Stanovia. Later, in the year 1195, Constanian Nations established their own country, unofficially known as Scannic Stanovia (see Scann'). Stannic Stanovia became a superpower in central Alavida in 1518. In 1751, Spikcan Stanovia (known as Spikc) begun to exist within Zuzanovian Empire. In the year 1901, when European and Asian colonists combined their colonies into their own empires, Stannic Stanovia (officially known as Stanowya) was left with a very little land, and only one city with population over 250k, that being Padvzie.
Stannic Stanovia allied with Zuzanovian Empire and Scannic Stanovia and declared war on the collapsing Asian Empire in late 1914. Colonial powers had to leave this empire temporarily because of the new war, thus Asian Empire alone wasn't able to hold for long. In 1915, new fractions of the Asian Empire also declared war on Asian Empire. European Empire joined the war on the side of Asian Empire in early 1916. Stanovian legions and fractions defeated Asian Empire in 1917. European Empire broke to pieces in early 1918. This was the end of the First World War for Alavida. Stanovian nations, together with various Lapytovian nations, established Stanovia-Jurovia, a federation between Stanovian nations and Jurovian (Lapytovian) nations.
Stanovia was in a big chaos due to multilingualism, which led to establishing the official Stanovian language in 1932. It was a combination of every Stanovian language spoken within Stanovia and Zuzanovia. The government collapsed multiple times between 1935 and 1938, this led to division of Stanovia-Jurovia. Hereby, Stanovia established a new constitution, which was absolutely unitary. Stanovia was the first country to ever establish a chiefing government. There were 5 presidents, each for a different "border region".
This war was basically a war between the remaining European colonies. Alavidian nations decided to team up against the colonists. Stanovia had a massive crisis and decided to join Jurovia again, for the time being. The war ended by claiming all Alavidian land by Alavidian nations. However, the newly established borders didn't appease to everyone, especially not to the Venostanic and Venistanic nations. After nearly 11 months after the end of the Second World War, a new war begun.
Stanovia declared war on Venovenistan after Venovenistan declared war on Jurovia. More countries joined on both sides, ending up in a whole-continental war. The war ended in december 1947, leaving a few more border changing events, including the definitive separation of Stanovia-Jurovia until August 1948.
Stanovia established its new constitution. It remained a unitary chiefing republic, however it was split it 4 parts, each with its own president. The flag as we know it today was adopted in late 1949. Stanovia experienced a significant scientific and economical growth during the 50s. In 1961 the government collapsed and the country got into chaos and anarchy for over 4 months. Soviet Union, being Stanovia's ally in the First Alavidian War, decided to help build the new Stanovian Government, along with the new federative constitution. The constitution was adopted in december 1961. Stanovia became a socialistic democratic federative republic. In 1975, there was a huge anti-socialistic movement in Alavida, which decreased the influence of Soviet Union in Zuzanovia and Stanovia. Stanovia had plans to rewrite the constitution to erase any sign of socialism from it. This was, however, interrupted by Venovenistan in 1979.
Venostan and Venistan have became fascist-oriented countries and declared war on Stanovia, Jurovia and Zuzanovia in 1979. Jurovia wasn't ready for this kind of war and after mere 12 days, surrendered to the Venovenistanic forces. Venovenistan was supporting fascist movements in Stanovia, leading into a couple new countries separating from Stanovia and declaring war on it. Stanovia decided to take back Jurovia piece by piece, by establishing a new country, Stanovian Jurovia on reclaimed Jurovian land. Stanovia also saw an opportunity in rescuing the remaining Stanovians from the reign of Zuzanovia in this war, by refusing to give reclaimed Zuzanovian land back to Zuzanovia after war. Venovenistan surrendered in 1987 and Jurovia was declared as independent again. Stanovia established a new federal, non-socialistic constitution in 1988 and reclaimed the land in Alavida owned by the Soviet Union in the same year.
In 2004, Stanovia and Jurovia experienced massive economical crisis, followed by an economical growth in Stanovia and the modern day Avar region in Jurovia. Stanovia quickly became a superpower within Alavida, declared a new constitution which was unitary. In 2007, Stanovia helped found the Alavidian Military Alliance, which was later renamed to Alavidian Alliance in 2009. Stanovia and Martinovia also established a Multicultural Protection Court to protect other nations within Jurovia and Stanovia, most importantly Slavic Stanovians and Martinovians. This court ceased to exist following the Massive Independence Movement of Alavida in 2019. In 2012, Stanovia and 3 other countries established the Alavidian Parliament to decide things within Alavida named "Big Four". This would be later renamed to Big Five, after Johanca joined in 2020. In 2013, the capitol of the Alavidian Alliance was moved to Bleskac. In 2019, during the Massive Independence Movement of Alavida, Stanovia gave independence to Venostan, Ukrevol Kingdom, Martinovian Kingdomen, Scann', Mauritovania, Slovakoria and Slovakioria, also supporting the independence of Johanca and Avar. After this, the new Stanovian Chief let people vote for a new constitution. People have voted for a federative presidential republic. New federal system and new constitution became active in September 2019. In October 2019, Stanovia sent an ultimatum to Martinovian Guinea, because of "threatening notices". Stanovian army later occupied the country for nearly a week. Onakla Ubrow has apologized for this multiple times in 2022 and gave enough money to Martinovia for reparations. In December 2019, Stanovia and 4 other countries have established the Alavidian Union, with the capitol located in Bleskac. In 2021, there was a massive terrorist attack in Martinovia and Martinovian Guinea, where Stanovia joined on the side of Martinovia and Martinovian Guinea to help them defeat the terrorists. Until August 2023, Stanovia was sending humanitary help to Martinovia.
Stanovia is a federal republic consisting of 18 states, further divided into Head Regions (General Stanovian State, Slavic Stanovian State and Fourthy Union), Counties (Protipalia, East Spikc, West Spikc, North Keban, South Keban, Kespral-Towiiu) or District Regions (Lapytovian Stanovia, Venes, North Stanovia, Nalian Zelav Stanovia, Islandia, Central Towiiu, Tkebekh, Eastern Zi, Stanovian Retwonia). Stanovian Government is made out of Council of People, Parliament and the Ministry. Over all of this, the head of the federation, with nearly absolute power, is the president, Onakla Ubrow (NS).
This is a brief overview of political party name abbreviations, that are used in tables below.
Council of People has 180 seats and acts as a lower house of the parliament. Every state has 10 seats, whose representatives are elected every 3 years. Every state has it's Speaker and Director. Director is also the Governor of said state for the next 3 years.
State | Director | Speaker | Seats |
General Stanovian State | Anastazir Kamosk Bplavikc (NS) | Lorainne Atašorintka (ZSS) | NS - 5; ZSS - 3; SSL - 1; SL - 1 |
Slavic Stanovian State | Vašran Kôpusk (NS) | Filip Re'ken'y (SSL) | NS - 4; SSL - 2; SU - 2; ZSS - 1; G - 1 |
Venes | Ubo'gun Zsirik Ba'vosh (SSL) | Termeis Icšarat Felvin (SSL) | SSL - 7; NS - 2; DU - 1 |
Lapytovian Stanovia | Boris Adola Majmas'ik (NS) | Kestomia Luhacševova' (SU) | NS - 3; SU - 3; J - 2; SSL - 1; G - 1 |
Fourthy Union | Karwoa'n Migasp (Unclassified) | Pelleri' Adaszar Kozš (NS) | NS - 6; Unclassified - 2; ZSS - 1; SZ - 1 |
Protipalia | Redok Misleitysz Radoskoit (ZSS) | Promolyen Adishytta (DU) | NS - 3; ZSS - 3; DU - 3; SSL - 1 |
North Stanovia | Vil'n'acšan A''be (Unclassified) | Rôdon Sevisl (SSL) | Unclassified - 4; SSL - 2; NS - 2; ZSS - 2 |
Naliav Zelav Stanovia | Astonish Regwa Jul'mikorn'i'r (NS) | Reggemdzšar Tyvy'sh (SL) | SL - 3; NS - 2; Unclassified - 2; DU - 1; SSL - 1; ZSS - 1 |
East Spikc | Adoslar Megwan (KSS) | Milare Atonisoya (KSS) | KSS - 8; NS - 1; KSD - 1; |
West Spikc | Jubil'an Ritnôka (SSL) | Mia Frkei Spelimoa' (NS) | SSL - 4; NS - 3; KSD - 3 |
North Keban | Deziderik Baida Ru'en (NS) | Grzšeol Fil'mir (NS) | NS - 9; SSL - 1 |
South Keban | Pakôjak Nešnikow (G) | Fryner Ast (KSD) | KSD - 4; NS - 4; ZSS - 1; G - 1 |
Kespral-Towiiu | Wilmig William Astegsha (Unclassified) | Sht'evo Rahonik (SZ) | SZ - 2; Unclassified - 1; SSL - 1; SL - 1; NS - 1; KSS - 1; KSD - 1; G - 1; DU - 1 |
Central Towiiu | Yaro Keidveji'k (SSL) | Cšaryja Mongorivna (ZSS) | SSL - 4; NS - 3; ZSS - 3 |
Tkebekh | Zšatwina Kespayarna (G) | Andrzšej Psôlik (KSS) | G - 6; KSS - 2; SU - 2 |
Eastern Zi | Yurij Adskojpik Estern'a (SU) | Filajn Katish (J) | SU - 4; J - 3; NS - 2; KSD - 1 |
Islandia | Zvarovnik Edegromm (NS) | Mioswava Adzšinova' (SSL) | SSL - 7; NS - 2; Unclassified - 1 |
Stanovian Retwonia | Yemeskin Pakajavn'ik (NS) | Pover Astakg Rešedij (NS) | NS - 10 |
Total seats:
Bright Future (Team Democracy + Greens and Liberals) - 127 Seats; Holds the Leadership
Socialistic Union (Social Life + Communistic Side) - 26 Seats; Partakes in the Delegation Order
National Side holds the Delegation Order
Slavic World holds the Council for Minorities
Stanovian parliament consists of 500 seats, whose politicians are elected every 4 years. Currently, there are 13 parties in the Stanovian parliament. VISUAL ⤤
Liberal Block:
Goverment: NS+SSL+DU+ZSS
Oposition: G+SAS+SZ, SU
Neutral Parties: QDS, FPS+Liberal Block
Stanovian parliament also has three directors and one head, the directors are voted for by the parliament every 2 years. The head of the parliament is chosen by Council of People every 4 years.
The head of the parliament announces ministers 30 days after they (the head) were elected. The head of all ministers is the prime minister. There are 15 ministries as of now, these are (with their current minister):
As of now, Stanovia has three major national groups. Those being Stanovians (most populous, usually speak Stanovian), Slavic Stanovians (second most populous, located mainly within Slavic Stanovian State, Eastern Zi, Tkebekh and Lapytovian Stanovia; usually speaking Slavic Stanovian or Lapytovian Stanovian) and Zuzanovians (third most populous, located mainly within North Stanovia, Protipalia and Naliav Zelav Stanovia, with significant minorities in Eastern Spikc, North Keban, Islandia and Fourthy Union; usually speaking Zuzanovian). There are also significant minorities of Jurovians, Johans, Venostani People, Martinovians and other national groups.